Search our A to Z of Skin to find out more about common skin conditions and problems, their symptoms, causes and how they are diagnosed and treated. You can search by both common and medical names, or by medicine or treatment name.

Both common and medical names have been included to help your search, as well as the names of medications and treatments. There are also a number of cosmetic topics which explain the latest treatments for cosmetic concerns related to the skin. Our thanks go to the many College dermatologists have contributed to the information on this site.

The information provided in the A-Z of Skin is a general guide only and does not replace individual medical advice. Please speak to your doctor for advice about your situation. The ACD is not liable for any consequences arising from relying on this information.

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  • Sand-worm eruption

    Sand-worm eruption also known as cutaneous larva migrans, is an itchy localised skin infestation caused by the penetration and migration of animal hookworm larvae through the skin.

  • Sarcoidosis

    Sarcoidosis most commonly affects the lungs but can also affect the skin and other organs. It is characterised by the formation of “granulomas” in affected areas. These are organised collections of histiocytes (a special type of inflammatory cell).

  • Scabby mouth

    Scabby mouth also known as Orf is an infection caused by the parapox virus which primarily infects sheep and goats. The condition is most commonly seen in animal handlers, butchers and farm workers. Anyone can become infected by touching the affected animals or by contact with infected pastures. Orf occurs worldwide.

  • Scabies

    Scabies is a condition that occurs as a result of infestation with a tiny mite (parasite) called Sarcoptes scabei var hominis.

  • School sores

    School sores also known as impetigo, is an infection of the skin that can be passed from person to person. It can affect skin that is intact (known as primary impetigo) or skin that is already compromised with cuts, abrasions, insect bites or other skin conditions such as eczema (known as secondary impetigo or impetiginisation)

  • Sebaceous cyst

    A sebaceous cyst also known as an epidermoid cyst, is a benign walled-off cavity filled with keratin which originates from the hair follicle unit.

  • Sebaceous hyperplasia

    Sebaceous hyperplasia is a benign growth of the sebaceous (oil) glands. It most commonly occurs in middle-aged or older people. It presents as single or multiple yellowish white bumps on the forehead, cheeks and nose. These bumps can occasionally occur on other areas such as the areola (near the nipples), chest, scrotum and penis.

  • Seborrhoeic Dermatitis and Cradle Cap

    Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin that usually occurs on areas of the body such as the head and trunk where there are a greater number of oil glands. The condition can occur in the first year of life when it is called “cradle cap” or develops from puberty onwards. Mild cases occurring on the scalp can affect many individuals and this is usually known as “dandruff”.

  • Seborrhoeic Keratoses

    Also known as ... Age Warts, Senile Warts, Brown Warts Seborrhoeic Keratoses are benign “wart-like” growths on the skin. Seborrhoeic Keratoses affect all racial groups and most commonly appear after the age of 40 years although some people may develop them earlier.
